The Harbor

Welcome to The Coast

The Coast is where I go to recharge. The Coast is where I reflect, unwind, find motivation and have a little fun.

Yes of course, I know The Coast is technically where the land meets the sea, but it can also be a beautiful sunset, or a scent that brings you back to a certain place or time. It can be finding the perfect Instagram filter, or indulging in your favorite food, cuddling up with a glass of wine and a really good book or playing a video game.

The Coast is more than just a location on a map, it’s an internal destination.

I’ve created this blog as a way to curate a daily dose of The Coast. In the words of Ferris Bueller,

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it.

More than just a blog, my hope is The Coast becomes your destination to reflect, unwind, find motivation and have a little fun!

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Fort Williams Park, Cape Elizabeth, Maine

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